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Conference sessions

Oral presentation sessions

Each oral presentation session will be organized in the form of a symposium which will have a Chairperson and four (4) presentations concerning a common topic of interest as well as one symposium discussant. Each presenter will be given 10 minutes for presentation, and also 10 minutes for the discussant, and a total of 20 minutes allocated for discussions. This session will offer an opportunity to present research on one topic, often from multiple perspectives, providing a coherent set of papers for discussion.


Interactive Poster Sessions

Dedicated poster sessions will be scheduled in the conference programme. Each poster presentation will include a graphic presentation of a research study on visual display of size A0 (0.841m x 1.189m) in “portrait” format. A short oral presentation of 1 minute for each poster will be given to an audience gathered as a group. After the authors’ brief presentation, an in-depth discussion between them and the audience will follow in the area of the poster displays. The poster sessions will offer researchers the opportunity to present their work in a visual format and are conducive to richer interaction and discussion. Poster sessions will be scheduled for 90 minutes, during which the brief presentations and the poster-centred discussions will take place.


Workshop sessions

Workshops and Demonstrations will enable presenters to display, explain and familiarize users with an innovative approach, a teaching or research tool, a teaching-learning sequence or some other aspect of e-learning for research or teaching. The Workshop may include a brief presentation of completed research, especially case study or evaluation, but the emphasis will be on demonstrating an innovation or a tool, not to present the research for criticism. Learning-by-doing will occupy most of the session, and any presentations will be brief. Workshop conveners will need to make adequate time for reflective discussion. The audience will have an opportunity at the end to offer their viewpoints and share their experiences with other tools or innovations intended for the same purpose. Demonstrations and Workshops will be scheduled for 90 minutes.